How Do I Do It All? I Don’t.

If I had a dollar for every time someone has recently asked me, "How do you do it all?" I'd be on a beach sipping a virgin piña colada right now. Maybe not a beach, but you get the point. It's a question I've heard many times, and it used to make me feel like a superhero. Lately, I've realized that maybe it's not as flattering as it seems. Because, to be honest, I don't do it all. In fact, trying to do it all led me straight to burnout.

The Thin Line Between Ambition and Burnout

I used to think that ambition meant working nonstop, grinding through weekends, and saying "yes" to every opportunity. And for a while, it seemed like it was working. My consulting business was growing, I was hosting a podcast, starting a nonprofit and I was even finding time to attend networking events. But as I piled on more and more, I started to feel like I was constantly racing against the clock. My weekends disappeared, my podcast episodes got fewer, and my energy tanked. I was crawling closer to burnout than I cared to admit.

Learning to Ask for Help

One of the hardest lessons I had to learn was that I can't do everything on my own. Admitting that I needed help felt like admitting defeat. It felt as if I had failed terribly. But I was exhausted, overwhelmed, and occasionally having meltdowns. The biggest problem was, I couldn't afford to hire help yet, so I had to keep grinding a little longer. It was a tough decision, but I knew that to build the business I envisioned, I needed to find a way to delegate some of the workload. I had no choice.

Finding Balance: The Game-Changer

Then, everything changed. I finally got some help, and it was like a weight was lifted off my shoulders. With extra hands on deck, I have slowly started enjoying my weekends again and started to find some sort of balance. Monday mornings became exciting instead of exhausting, and I felt more energized to dive into projects and give my clients the attention they deserve.

The Ongoing Journey of Improvement

Getting help was just the beginning. Now, I'm focused on continuously improving and building on what I've already laid out. I've realized that there's no magic formula for "doing it all." It's a constant process of figuring out what works and what doesn't, and being willing to adapt along the way. The best part? I'm not doing it alone anymore. I have a team that shares my vision, and together, we're helping our clients navigate their own challenges.

So Where Does That Leave Us?

If there's one thing I've learned, it's that most of us don’t have it all figured out, at least I did not! The journey of building a business, or even just maintaining one, is filled with ups and downs. Many I hope to share as we continue on this journey. Help looks different for everyone. Whether you're seeking help from a team, a mentor, or even just a supportive community, reaching out makes all the difference.

So, if you're wondering how I do it all, the truth is—I don't. And that's okay!

Written By: Blessing Chirimbani


Working While on The Move