Working While on The Move
In the dynamic world of consulting, a more mobile lifestyle often replaces the traditional workday. I am no stranger to this, as someone living a self-converted school bus, traveling around the U.S. with my cat. Here, I juggle my passion for Utonga with a passion for exploration. I’ve discovered that navigating this unique blend of professional and personal pursuits requires a wonderfully delicate balance and strategic approach.
How Do I Do It All? I Don’t.
If I had a dollar for every time someone has recently asked me, "How do you do it all?" I'd be on a beach sipping a virgin piña colada right now. Maybe not a beach, but you get the point. It's a question I've heard many times, and it used to make me feel like a superhero. Lately, I've realized that maybe it's not as flattering as it seems. Because, to be honest, I don't do it all. In fact, trying to do it all led me straight to burnout.